Martins Castro in the media

N12 (Israel): President of Portugal decided to veto the restrictions added to the law

Globes (Israel): The letter that encouraged the President of Portugal to reconsider the law

La Nota Económica (Colombia): President of Portugal spoke to protect nationality through the Sephardic legacy

O Globo (Brazil): President of Portugal calls for constitutional review of the rule for descendants of Sephardic Jews

Reuters: Israelis look to Inquisition roots to get Portuguese passports

Milenio (Mexico): Portugal opens the gate to NL due to Sephardic heritage

ABC Noticias (Mexico): Podrían 21 thousand regions tener european citizenship

La Razón (Mexico): Miles of regiomontanos could obtain the european citizenship

Contact (Portugal): Sephardic Jews return to being Portuguese after five centuries

Computerworld (Portugal): Meeting wants to attract talent in the area of information technologies to Portugal


Correio Braziliense (Brazil)

Law that recognizes Brazil's CNH goes into effect in Portugal this Monday

Do you want to live in Europe? Discover the ways to be a Portuguese citizen

Special visa for Portugal

With new law, Brazilians will find it easier to work in Portugal

Visas to work in Portugal will have to be obtained in Brazil

Requests for Portuguese citizenship can be made online

Innovation and technology must focus on benefiting citizens

Brazilians who want to work in Portugal can apply for visas

Portugal with open doors for digital nomads


O Globo (Brazil)

President of Portugal must be quick and sanction visa for job search, which will attract more Brazilians

Where is it faster to obtain Portuguese citizenship, consulate or registry office? Understand

Portuguese citizenship: law is regulated, and requests from Brazilians skyrocket

The search for Portuguese citizenship becomes more sophisticated and finds thousands of Brazilians with the right

Portuguese citizenship: are Sephardic Jews entitled? Understand

Applications for Portuguese citizenship made by Brazilians rose 141%

How to get Portuguese citizenship? Are grandchildren entitled? Experts ask questions about law

Abramovich factor makes Portugal tighten access to citizenship and president of a Jewish association speaks in insult. 

Brazilians report difficulties in the process to obtain Portuguese citizenship

Free lecture explains how to get Portuguese citizenship after change in law

Rede Amazônica – TV Globo (Brazil)

New law by the government of Portugal increases demand for dual citizenship

R7 and TV Record (Brazil)

Change in Portuguese law facilitates citizenship for Brazilians; see ways to get document

Portuguese citizenship: demand for a European passport grows

Dual citizenship: What to know before getting yours in Belém

G1 (Brazil)

Israelis seek Inquisition-era origins to obtain Portuguese passports

State of Minas (Brazil)

Find out how to get Portuguese citizenship

O Globo Agency (Brazil)

Portugal stands out as a migratory destination for qualified Brazilian professionals

Portuguese citizenship is the most sought after in Brazil

Portuguese citizenship for grandchildren is simpler, but there are still doubts

Specialist talks about the importance of technology and memory in the process of Portuguese citizenship

Portal Terra (Brazil)

New visa to look for work in Portugal should benefit Brazilians

Artificial intelligence is an ally in the search for Portuguese citizenship

Genealogy reconstructs stories and helps to prove Portuguese descent

New regulation establishes simpler rules for Portuguese nationality

Applications for Portuguese citizenship via Sephardic increase after changes in law

Brazilians prove descent with Sephardic Jews and obtain Portuguese citizenship

Portugal stands out as a migratory destination for qualified Brazilian professionals

Portugal stands out as a migratory destination for qualified Brazilian professionals

The People (Brazil)

Sephardic Jews: why Brazilians seek to prove descent

Technology facilitates access to data for descendants of Portuguese in Brazil 

Portugal grants citizenship to Sephardic Jews; see how the process is

THE PEOPLE Technology: in search of Portuguese citizenship

CBN Radio (Brazil)

Demand for an immigrant visa to the US by Brazilians increases 40%

Rádio Jovem Pan News Fortaleza (Brazil)

Portuguese citizenship via Sephardic Jews