Portuguese nationality for children of Portuguese parents – Brazil

Children of Portuguese are entitled to Portuguese citizenship.


Do children of Portuguese have the right to Portuguese citizenship?

The children of Portuguese (father or mother) born outside the national territory are entitled to apply for the granting of Portuguese nationality, provided that they manifest their will in this regard.

The hypothesis is legally provided for in Article 1 (1) (c) of the Nationality Law, Law 37/81 of 03 October and Article 8 of the Portuguese Nationality Regulation, Decree-Law 237-A / 2006. December 14th.

How to apply for the Portuguese Nationality for my family members?

Applicants must provide proof of descent, attaching the birth certificate of the Portuguese parent and his or her full-length birth certificate, as well as all other documents necessary for the application and petition for the attribution of Portuguese nationality before the registry offices of the Instituto dos Registos e Notariado - IRN.
