on September 20, 2024

From Florida to the French Riviera: Why Retirees Are Choosing to Move Abroad

on September 20, 2024

Da Flórida para a Riviera Francesa: por que aposentados estão escolhendo mudar para o exterior

Doug, 68, decided to completely change his life by leaving the United States and living in a boat on the French Riviera. For him, the cost of living in France is cheaper and life is much more peaceful than in the USA.

Doug has spent over 40 years working as an IT consultant, and for the past three years has been navigating Europe while working remotely. He and his wife decided to move out of the US to pursue their dream of traveling while saving money at the same time.

A life of adventure and less costs

In France, Doug pays less for marina fees and daily expenses. The food quality is higher, with fresh produce and award-winning restaurant meals for under 100 euros. Even insurance and medical care are more affordable and better than in the US.

He points out that the overall cost of living is lower, as well as living surrounded by historic cities and stunning scenery. Although they are still working, Doug and his wife plan to retire for good in 2026, when they will continue to sail around Europe, enjoying the best that life on the Riviera has to offer.

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