on September 20, 2024

Journey to the past: Portuguese cities that maintain their historical roots

on September 20, 2024

Viagem ao passado: cidades portuguesas que mantêm suas raízes históricas

Portugal is home to cities that have preserved their medieval structures, providing a true journey into the past. These destinations are perfect for those who want to learn about the country's history and enjoy unique landscapes and monuments.

Guimaraes, in the district of Braga, is considered the birthplace of Portugal. The city enchants with its medieval streets and imposing castle, a true journey back in time to the founding of the country. Another historic city is Silves, in the Algarve, famous for its Moorish occupation and the impressive Medieval Fair, which transports visitors back to the past.

Already Take, in central Portugal, is known for its strong ties to the Knights Templar. The Convent of Christ, a World Heritage Site, is one of the monuments that best demonstrates this history. Obidos, one of the best preserved medieval cities in Portugal, and Monsanto, with their stone buildings that date back to the Middle Ages, are also destinations that enchant visitors with their authenticity and historical beauty.

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