on September 20, 2024

Jewish descent: Colombians' path to Portuguese citizenship

on September 20, 2024

Descendência judaica: o caminho dos colombianos para a cidadania portuguesa

In recent years, many Colombians have sought Portuguese citizenship through proof of Sephardic Jewish descent, taking advantage of Portuguese law that offers this opportunity to descendants of Jews expelled from the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th century. This initiative has become an open door for those who wish to reconnect with their roots and secure the benefits of a European passport.

Who has the right?

Portuguese law recognizes the right to nationality for descendants of Sephardic Jews, who were forced to leave Portugal during the Inquisition. Many of these families settled in several countries, including Colombia. The process requires proof of Sephardic ancestry through genealogical documents and a certificate issued by recognized Jewish communities.

Specialized consultancy

According to the article The Colombian, the Martins Castro, a consultancy specializing in Portuguese nationality, was one of the main sources of information on the subject. The company has helped Colombians understand the requirements and navigate the citizenship process, providing complete support, from document analysis to submitting the application to the Portuguese government.

Why apply?

Portuguese citizenship brings several benefits, such as right to reside, study and work in any country of the European Union, as well as facilitating travel to more than 190 countries. For many Colombians, this is an opportunity to reconnect with their Sephardic roots while also securing citizenship that offers freedom and new possibilities in Europe.

Interested in learning more about the application process? Check out the full article at The Colombian on here.

To request a free and personalized pre-analysis with Martins Castro experts, click here.