on September 20, 2024

Portuguese nationality via Sephardic route: how to apply in 2024

on September 20, 2024

Nacionalidade portuguesa por via sefardita: como solicitar em 2024

THE Portuguese nationality via Sephardic route offers descendants of Sephardic Jews the opportunity to acquire Portuguese citizenship. This option has attracted the interest of many people around the world, including those born in Israel, who seek to reclaim their roots and obtain the benefits of a European passport. But who is eligible and how can they apply?

Who is entitled to Portuguese nationality?

Portuguese law grants the right to nationality to individuals who can prove direct descent from Sephardic Jews expelled from Portugal in the 15th century. Sephardic Jews were forced to leave the country during the Inquisition, but many maintained cultural and family ties over the centuries. Signs of this descent include:

  • Sephardic surnames maintained through generations.
  • Cultural or religious practices which refer to Sephardic Jews.
  • Genealogical documentation that proves the family lineage.

If you have documents or records that link your family to these Jews, you may already be eligible to begin the process.

Is the Law still valid?

Yes, the Portuguese Nationality Law remains viable for new applications. Although some changes in legislation are expected, such as the requirement of a closer link with Portugal (3 years of residence, for example), these rules can only be charged after the approval of a new regulation. Currently, applications are analyzed based on the regulation in force since September 2022, and It is not necessary to reside in Portugal to apply for nationality.

How to apply for nationality?

The application process involves submitting proof of descent and a detailed genealogical study. Here are the main steps:

  1. Jewish Community Certification: First, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from one of the recognized Jewish communities in Portugal, such as Israelite Community of Lisbon or of the Port. This document certifies that you are a descendant of Sephardic Jews expelled from Portugal.
  2. Genealogical Documentation: In addition to the certificate, it is important to present family records, such as birth certificates and family trees that prove the ancestral connection.
  3. Submission to the Portuguese Government: With all the documentation in hand, the application must be submitted to the Portuguese government. It is advisable to have the support of lawyers specialized in Portuguese nationality to ensure that all requirements are met.

Why obtain Portuguese nationality?

Portuguese citizenship offers a series of benefits:

  • Free movement within the European Union, facilitating travel, work and study.
  • Access to health and education systems in EU member countries.
  • Opportunity to reside and invest in Portugal, a country with an excellent quality of life.

Obtaining Sephardic nationality is a way to reconnect with your roots while also enjoying practical advantages across the European continent.

For more information on how to start the process, talk to our experts and request a free pre-analysis of your case.