Brazilian accountants can revalidate the diploma to work in the European Union

Accountants trained in Brazil can work in Portugal, either as certified professionals or as statutory auditors. However, there are criteria that must be met for this to occur. The first is to go through diploma revalidation process. Due to the ease offered by culture and similarity in training, Portugal is an excellent option for revalidating Brazilian diplomas.
First, the interested party must have the bachelor's academic degree, master or doctor recognized by a Portuguese faculty. After recognition, the accountant must register with the Order of Certified Accountants (OCC), and for that he must deliver the documentation that proves the general conditions of registration, submit to an admission test and complete a period of professional internship.
But let's go by parts! For you to understand better, we summarize in 15 questions the entire process of revalidating diplomas for accounting professionals.
1. Why is it necessary to revalidate the diploma?
When it is necessary to recognize higher qualifications, it is often requested by Portuguese entities that the diploma be duly validated and recognized.
For accounting professionals wishing to exercise their profession in Portugal, registration with the Professional Order, the Order of Certified Accountants - OCC, is required, requiring the recognition of a foreign diploma by a Portuguese college. With that, they will be able to act as certified Accountants or Statutory Auditors.
According to Portuguese law, there are three types of diploma recognition: automatic recognition, level recognition and specific recognition. In the case of Brazilian accountants, it is possible to make a level or specific recognition to enroll in the professional order.
2. What is the difference between a certified accountant and a chartered accountant?
Certified accountants are professionals responsible for accounting for companies or other entities that represent them, assuming the responsibility that finances are in compliance with the legislation in force and that all contributions to the State are up to date. For the exercise of the profession it is necessary that the professional enrolls in the Order of Certified Accountants.
The Statutory Auditors are professionals who exercise the function of external auditor. They are legally responsible and competent to review the accounts and audit the accounts and services of companies and other public or private entities. For the exercise of the profession it is necessary that the professional enrolls in the Order of Statutory Auditors.
3. What documents are needed?
Basically the most important documents are: diploma, school history and college menu with the syllabus of the course.
4. Is it necessary a minimum time of graduation to be able to revalidate the diploma?
There is no minimum time since graduation, and recognition can be made as long as the person has completed the higher education course.
5. Can graduates of any Brazilian Higher Education Institution request revalidation?
Anyone interested in training at a recognized higher education institution in the country of origin can apply for recognition. In the case of accountants, training is required in the areas of Accounting, Management, Economics, Business Sciences or Taxation.
6. What areas of competence should be covered by the interested party's course of origin?
As of July 1, 2020, the OCC requires from anyone who wants to exercise the activity of accountant the academic degree of a graduate, master or doctor in the area of Accounting Sciences, Management, Economics, Business Sciences or Taxation, being necessary that the course contemplates three areas of competence:
1. Financial Accounting and Reporting - minimum number of 4 units or 24 ECTS *.
2. Management Accounting - 2 units or 12 ECTS.
3. Taxation - 3 curricular units or 18 ECTS.
* ECTS is the European credit system - 1 ECTS is equivalent to 25 to 28 hours
ATTENTION - Candidates trained outside Portugal - due to the specific content - will have to attend a Portuguese college in the area of Taxation. After enrollment, you will also need to do training at the OCC on statutory and deontological matters.

7. How long does the process take?
The legislation imposes a period of 90 days for the faculty to recognize the diploma, after submitting the documents.
8. After the diploma is revalidated, do I have to register with any council?
Yes, it is necessary to register with the professional association, in the case of accountants it is the Order of Certified Accountants - OCC, with more documents that are necessary for registration.
9. After the diploma is revalidated, what rights do I acquire?
The recognition serves to declare that the degree of a bachelor, master or doctor is similar to that of a Portuguese Higher Education Institution, in the case of specific recognition, it declares not only the degree, but also that the training course is similar to that of an HEI Portuguese.
With this recognition it is possible to enroll in the professional order, and some colleges require the recognition of the diploma to enroll in training courses, such as master's and doctorate.
10. Does revalidation make my stay in Portugal legal?
No, staying in Portuguese territory depends on the residence permit, such as work or study authorization.
11. What can go wrong during the process?
The application for recognition can be dismissed if the curriculum of the college where the higher education took place is not compatible with the Portuguese college chosen to analyze the application for recognition.
12. Does the revalidation have an expiration date?
After recognition is no longer necessary to update it, a certificate of recognition registration will be issued at the end of the process without any expiration date.
13. Does having the diploma validated facilitate a later naturalization process?
The recognition of the diploma does not help in the naturalization process, but for the exercise of the profession or academic qualifications in Portugal, as well as for applying for scholarships in Higher Education Institutions.
14. Is revalidation valid only in Portugal or throughout the European Union?
Recognition is valid only in Portugal, but after qualification in the competent professional order, it is possible to practice the profession in other countries of the European Union.
15. At the risk of losing revalidation, do I have to start living and acting professionally in Portugal immediately?
No, after the recognition has been made and the certificate has been issued, the person is not required to live in Portugal.

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