The urgent request in the process of Portuguese nationality

The process of Portuguese nationality will generate anxiety and insecurity among applicants. for him, many people formulate a request to examine their request with an urgent nature for their processes, but without having the necessary legal knowledge for it. The result could not be otherwise: the denial of the urgent request by the Registration Office, in Portugal.
It should be noted that there is no legal provision in Portuguese legislation that obliges a procedure for deferring an emergency request. This means that each case is analyzed individually and that the result depends on the interpretation of the Secretary (a).
All urgent requests must be in writing and the reason for the request must be duly justified with documents. In this text, our lawyers have enumerated some of the reasons that could justify said requests.
1. Health treatment
Urgent requests can be justified for him treatment of serious illnesses such as diabetes, cancer or special surgeries, for example. For him, it is important to demonstrate that Portuguese citizenship is essential to have access to health care in the European Union (EU).
2. Promise of employment contract
For these cases, It is important to demonstrate through documents that Portuguese nationality is indispensable to guarantee a vacancy for employment and that, without this vacancy, the applicant will find himself in a fragile economic situation. It is common for many EU companies to contract only when they have an EU passport. It is also important to demonstrate that, through this work, it will be possible to maintain the site of your family.
3. Undocumented minor children
Applicants for Portuguese nationality who have children under age who live in any country of the European Union, But if your children don't have identification documents, you can request an urgent application for the examination of the nationality application for your children. This is because minors who lack these documents find themselves in a vulnerable situation.
4. Persons over 75 years old
The advanced age is another factor that can contribute to urgent requests. this is due that Portuguese nationality can only be granted to people who are alive. Another reason that could justify this request is that people aged 75 and older will also be the source for other family members to apply for nationality.
5. When the possibilities of visa renewal expire
In these cases, the applicant for Portuguese nationality must reside in the European Union and document that you have exhausted all possibilities to renew your visa.
6. Students in a situation of economic vulnerability
Students can request Portuguese nationality on an urgent basis when you can prove that university fees are cheaper for nationals of any country of the European Union than for foreigners. Along with this, it is also necessary to demonstrate that this incident will benefit the applicant who is in a vulnerable economic situation. For example: without this incident, the applicant will have to interrupt the studies. But attention, it is necessary that the registration is already paid.
What does NOT justify an urgent request
The 'intentions' or 'plans', as they are future or uncertain events, do not justify an urgent request. Therefore, requests that:
1. Based on it intention in live in Portugal or in any EU country.
2. Argue it intention in get a job in Portugal or in any EU country.
3. Contemplate planes for travel to Portugal, EU the other country.
4. Argue him wish in invert in Portugal or in the EU.
Be careful with the information that is published in social network groups. Rounding up secure sources to understand and carry out your Portuguese nationality process.

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