on June 25, 2020

Martins Castro's cultural project is contemplated by BNB public notice

on June 25, 2020

Projeto cultural da Martins Castro é contemplado por edital do BNB

The adventures of the Clown Piruá in Portugal”, Performed by actor Rodrigo Bruggemann, with script and direction by Walter Velázquez, was one of the cultural projects approved in the Public Call for Virtual Programming of Banco do Nordeste Cultural Centers (CCBNB). THE live, sponsored by Martins Castro as part of the Mova Sua Alegria Project, was shown on May 22 on the company's Instagram profile (@martinscastroconsultoria).

According to BNB, the selected projects will compose the virtual programming of the CCBNB located in Fortaleza (CE), Juazeiro do Norte (CE) and Sousa (PB), executed on an online platform, transmitted through the social networks of the cultural centers. The list of all projects and their respective languages, groups and selected artists can be checked on the Banco do Nordeste portal, accessing “Know the Result”.