Learn all about the new visa to look for work in Portugal

The creation of a visa for looking for work in Portugal was approved in the Assembly of the Republic, on Thursday, July 21. When the measure goes into effect, professionals will be able to stay legally for 120 days in the country while looking for a job. There is also the possibility of renewing the visa for another 60 days.
The authorization will be valid only for Portuguese territory and will be subject to certain requirements, including the presentation of return tickets to the country of origin.
Aimed at the mobility of Brazilians and other citizens of the member countries of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), Law No. 19/XV still needs the sanction of the President of the Republic of Portugal. Only after this process will there be a definition of the date on which the new measures must come into force.
This new proposal for a work visa arises in a context of several public policies of the Portuguese State aimed at reducing the demographic winter and attracting manpower to the country.
It is worth remembering that foreigners have an important weight in the collection of taxes for the Portuguese Social Security, which pays retirement, pensions and aid to the most needy. According to a report by the Migration Observatory, in 2019, foreigners collected 880 million euros (R$ 5.1 billion) for the system.
Another positive aspect of the measure approved by the Assembly of the Republic is that the new visa modality should also guarantee greater control to the authorities over migration and aims to reduce illegality and human trafficking.
What changes
The new type of visa will allow people who are still looking for job opportunities in Portugal to do so in person in Portuguese territory (art. 57-A)
who can apply
Any person from CPLP countries who is looking for a job; not have entry restrictions in Portugal and gather the basic documents (proof of travel insurance, valid passport, means of subsistence and accommodation).
Simpler procedure: visa applications will not need to be examined by the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) in Portugal. Now, the consulates themselves have the autonomy to approve it.
Consulates can only reject the visa if the applicant does not gather the basic general documents (subsistence, accommodation, passport, travel insurance) and if there is any restriction on entry into the SIS (Schengen Information System).
In theory, with this new procedure, visas will be processed more quickly for CPLP nationals.
What documents to request
Travel insurance
valid passport
Proof of livelihood
Proof of accommodation
Proof of return (ticket back to the country of origin)
validity time
120 days, extendable for another 60 days and allows entry into Portugal. If there is a work contract, then a residence permit for two years is issued.
If the applicant cannot find work, within a maximum period of 180 days, he will have to return to his country of origin. In this case, the applicant will only be able to apply for a new visa after a period of one year of validity of the previously granted visa.

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