Why is Estonia increasingly attracting Brazilians?

Why is a country with only 1.3 million inhabitants increasingly attracting the attention of Brazilians? What does Estonia have to offer and what are the attractions for those looking to live abroad? Discover some factors here!
1. Quality of life and safety
Those who are thinking about living abroad, especially with their family, usually see safety and quality of life as decisive factors when choosing a new destination. And that's not a problem for Estonia, which certainly excels in these aspects.
The capital, Tallinn, has a tranquility that is difficult to see in many other places in Europe., so much so that it is common to see small children moving around or taking public transport alone; something unimaginable in many places around the world.
Also, if you want to escape traffic, congestion and a restless routine, Estonia may be the right place for you. Contact with nature, cultural and historical preservation are just some of the country's attractions.
2. Professional opportunities
Estonia is one of the countries with the most startups per capita in Europe, and it's no wonder companies like Skype, Wise and Pipedrive were founded there. The demand for qualified professionals grows more and more, generating a search for workers in other countries, including Brazil.
The job opportunities are diverse, and although the local language is Estonian, English is widely spoken in the workplace. and serves as the official language in many of the companies.
The area of information technology is the one that has the most demand, and companies everywhere are looking for professionals who want to contribute to this innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem.
3. Study options in English
In addition to job opportunities, many Brazilians choose to study in Estonia. And this is possible because the country has more than 150 courses taught in English, with options for Bachelors, Masters, Doctorates and short courses.
In addition, other attractions are the scholarship opportunities and funding possibilities for students. Learn more on the website studyinestonia.com
4. Less bureaucracy in issuing visas
Compared to many other countries, the visa process in Estonia is much simpler. Since 2013, separate work permits (the famous “Work Permit”) are no longer issued and foreigners have received a residence permit that, in general, authorizes them to work.
The residence permit can be issued for different reasons: study, work, family union, business, among others.
In general, foreigners are subject to the immigration quota, which cannot exceed 0.1% of the country's permanent population in a year. However, this rule does not apply in some cases, such as information technology professionals, professionals employed in a start-up, family migration, among others.
And for Brazilians with dual European citizenship, for example, the process is even easier. That's because the European Union citizen already has the right of residence in Estonia by registering his place of residence located in the country.
5. Technological country
Estonia is the most advanced digital society in the world, where technology is embedded in people's culture and daily lives. Currently, 99% of government services can be done online, from paying taxes to starting a business.
For the country, offering digital services means less bureaucracy and, at the same time, adds more transparency and efficiency in some vital sectors, such as health and education.
In addition, Estonia is the first government in the world to offer an e-residency, the e-Residency. With it, you can open and manage a company in Estonia, but from anywhere in the world.
If you want to bring your company to Estonia or if you are an IT professional and want to work for a European company, contact us by clicking on here.

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